Northbound on the 101: Ventura Gallery Northbound on the 101: Ventura 2015–Present Rendering Artifacts Northbound on the 101: VenturaMichelle Rozic2017-03-21T17:36:30-07:00
Southbound on the 5: Los Feliz Gallery Southbound on the 5: Los Feliz 2015–Present Rendering Artifacts Southbound on the 5: Los FelizMichelle Rozic2017-03-21T17:36:04-07:00
Northbound on the 5: Griffith Park Gallery Northbound on the 5: Griffith Park 2015–Present Rendering Artifacts Northbound on the 5: Griffith ParkMichelle Rozic2017-03-21T17:35:38-07:00
Southbound on the 110: Elysian Park Gallery Southbound on the 110: Elysian Park 2015–Present Rendering Artifacts Southbound on the 110: Elysian ParkMichelle Rozic2017-03-21T17:35:19-07:00
Southbound on the 101: Ventura Gallery Southbound on the 101: Ventura 2015–Present Rendering Artifacts Southbound on the 101: VenturaMichelle Rozic2017-03-21T17:34:57-07:00
Single-Family Home Gallery Single-Family Home 2015–Present Rendering Artifacts Single-Family HomeMichelle Rozic2017-03-21T17:34:35-07:00
Circling Griffith Park Gallery Circling Griffith Park 2015–Present Rendering Artifacts Circling Griffith ParkMichelle Rozic2017-03-21T17:34:15-07:00